» » Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (this will never be shown on mainstream media)

Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (this will never be shown on mainstream media)

10-02-2019, 20:26

Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (this will never be shown on mainstream media)

Распространите видео как можно шире, заливайте на все видеохостинги, где сможете. Используйте популярные сервисы, не только Youtube. Видео рассчитано на иностранцев, поможем разумным людям из-за границы увидеть это видео!

Rebirth of Fascism. U.S. warmongers along with EU/NATO politicians have installed (through violent, artificial revolution) a pro-fascist government in Ukraine and are now trying to start a civil war within the country.

Over 900,000 Ukrainians have already left the country within 2 months of EuroMaidan and fled to Russia. 2,500 fled to Belarus. This is just the beginning.


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